Saturday, July 23, 2011

Updated Action Research Project Questionnaire

Please answer each question by simply placing a check in the box next to the answer that best describes you and your current feelings about your job. Individual responses will remain anonymous as will school affiliation.

Sport Coached: _________________                        No. of Years Experience: _________
Coach Title: ____________________            Subject Taught: _____________________
Age: ________                                               School Classification: A   2A   3A   4A   5A
Gender of Coach:  Male     Female                 Gender of Athletes:   Male    Female 

1) Are you valued or recognized at your job?
  Yes, I feel recognized for my accomplishments and valued for my work.
  Sort of. I don't get a ton of accolades, but I don't feel really devalued or unrecognized.
  No, I feel pretty taken for granted and undervalued much of the time.

2) Do you have balance in your life?
  Yes, I have at least adequate time for everything that's important to me.
  Sort of. I can either have a small amount of time for everything, or adequate time for some of what's important to me, but I don't have an ideal level of balance.
  No, I feel I'm seriously lacking the time to fit major things that are important to me into my lifestyle.

3) Do you have the time and resources to accomplish what you have to do?
  Yes, I'm on my toes, but I have enough time do fulfill all of my responsibilities well without having to knock myself out too much.
  Sort of. I have to put in extra hours and/or take work home if I don't want to cut corners on my job.
  No. Whatever I do, there's no way one person could adequately complete all these responsibilities as well as I'm expected to.

4) Are you able to feel successful?
  Yes, I'm able to do a job I can be proud of.
  Sort of. Sometimes I wish I could do better, but I'm generally able to do well enough at what I do to feel okay with my efforts.
  No, I have more responsibility than one person can handle, and am never able to feel I've done well enough.

5) Do you feel like you're making a difference?
  Yes, I feel my job is important.
  Sort of. What I do isn't of paramount importance, but I do feel that the work I do matters enough.
  No, I really don't feel the work I do make a difference to anyone, including me.

6) Are you appropriately compensated?
  Yes, when you factor in financial and other less tangible forms of compensation, it's definitely worth it.
  Sort of. There are others who are better compensated than me for the amount of work they do, but I'm still better compensated than I could be.
  No, I'm really not compensated appropriately for the level of effort I put in.

7) If you have "crunch time", do you also have down time?
  Yes, after the times that I have to put in extra effort, there are always times that I can take it easier and regroup.
  Sort of. Periods of extra effort are usually followed by some more relaxed times, but the hours of intense effort greatly outnumber the hours of relaxation.
  No, I feel that I'm almost always in crunch mode and working extra hard, with very little or no down time.

8) Are you able to take regular vacations?
  Yes, I take a vacation every year, and there's always nights and weekends to relax.
  Sort of. I may not take a formal vacation every year, but I do have time where I can just relax and play.
  No, I very rarely get vacation time, and even work a significant number of nights and weekends.

9) Do you feel you are being treated fairly?
  Sort of. I don't feel there's an organized effort to treat me Unfairly, though things don't always work out as I'd prefer.
  No, I really feel that there are things that go on in my work life that are unfair, but I can't do much about it.

10) Do you have anyone you can talk to about the stress you experience?
  Yes, I have a supportive network of people I talk to, and at least some are people with whom I can discuss my feelings.
  Sort of, I have some people I talk to, but we don't really talk about feelings and frustrations; it's more superficial.
  No, I don’t have anyone I can really talk to about anything significant.

11) Are you able to get enough sleep?
  Yes, I get at least 7 hours per night.
  Sort of; sometimes I get 7 hours, but sometimes it's less.
  No, I get 6 or few hours of sleep most nights.

12) Do you feel like there will be dire consequences if you make a mistake?
  No, everyone makes mistakes, and nobody's going to die if I mess up here and there.
  Sort of. I may get chewed out by someone or disappoint people, but if I make a mistake, the consequences will blow over after a little while.
  Yes, it's practically life or death if I make a mistake in my work, and I have to be very careful not to mess up at my job.

13) Think back to the reasons you were initially drawn to this line of work. Are you experiencing these benefits, or do you feel your daily experience is significantly different than what you were originally expecting?
  Yes, I'm constantly reminded of why I chose this type of work, and all things considered I'm glad I did.
  Sort of. Things aren't as good as I'd initially pictured them, but switching to a different job or line of work would be more trouble than it's worth.
  I feel pretty disillusioned about my type of work; it's really not what I thought it'd be, and I'm not sure I'm in the right place.

14) Does your job afford you the freedom to decide what to do and how you will tackle problems?
  Yes, I have overall goals to fulfill, but how I want to tackle them, and on what schedule, is up to me.
  Sort of. I have some wiggle room to make decisions, but most of my day is planned by others, or by circumstances not in my control.
  No, I have little to no choice in how I do my job and how I spend my time. Even using the bathroom needs to be cleared by someone, it seems.

15) Do you feel respected and valued by co-workers and others?
  Yes, I feel respected by my peers and other people.
  Sort of. I don't get as much respect as I’d like, but I'm not terribly disrespected.
  I feel the level of respect I get is seriously lacking.

16) Are expectations of you made clear, so you know what you have to do to succeed?
  Yes, everything's clearly spelled out and I know what I have to do.
  Sort of. I understand the basics of what I have to do, but sometimes there are surprises I need to figure out, or things are a little unclear so I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do.
  No, I feel the expectations people have of me aren't really clear and it's hard to find out what I'm supposed to be doing in order to please everyone; I only seem to find out after I've already disappointed someone.

17) Do you generally feel excited about coming to work, or do you dread it?
  I generally wake up looking forward to the day ahead.
  Sometimes I'd rather do something besides work, but I generally enjoy my work at least somewhat.
  Honestly, many days it's hard to get out of bed to face more of the same.

18) Are there opportunities for you to advance?
  Yes, I feel like I'm working toward future opportunities.
  Sort of; my job will never become my dream job or set me up for my dream career, but I do have goals to advance toward.
  No, I feel I'm in a dead-end job, or working in a situation that will never significantly change for the better.

19) Do you feel productive?
  Yes, I almost always feel I'm getting a lot accomplished.
  Sometimes I feel less productive than other times, but I generally feel like I'm getting things done at a decent rate.
  Not really; sometimes I even feel I get done far less than I should given the effort I seem to be putting in.

20) How does your work generally make you feel?
  Vital, stimulated, and happy to be there.
  Sometimes I get bored, but sometimes I'm pretty happy.
  Sometimes I feel overly sensitive or even sad?

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