Friday, December 17, 2010

Reflections on Research

In reflecting on my last five weeks of taking the course Research 5301, several things come to mind.  In the beginning I contemplated several different topics before deciding on one.  At first I wanted to focus my attention on curriculum differentiation.  I have always been interested in this method of teaching which leads teachers toward working to create different learning experiences for different students.  But after consultation from mentors and my site supervisor I decided to focus on something involving student-athletes because of my desire to be an Athletic Director at some point in my career.  I decided to base my action research on the premise that students involved in athletics and other extra-curricular activities are motivated to be more focused in their classroom therefore leading to better grades.  In discussing this topic with other students in my class, I have found that there is quite a bit of interest and support to the research.  One classmate pointed out that he had the experience of seeing how several athletes he knew during his career that quit a sport, also quit trying in class and received much lower grades from that point on.  This is great evidence toward my hypothesis.  Another classmate reported in a comment on my blog that she had seen how athletes’ grades were greatly affected by their coaches handing out grade sheets to their players.  The attention this placed on knowing their grades and putting more responsibility on knowing exactly what their status was in class, also led to higher grades. 
I reflection on Action Research itself, I have learned how administrators and teachers can gain huge insights to their profession and enhance their leadership skills in education system improvement efforts.  I have learned that the research process is a step by step process that consists of developing a question, collecting and analyzing data, sharing the results with stakeholders, and assessing the quality of the inquiry.  Through the reading I also became familiar with the nine topic areas around which most research is done.  These include: staff development, curriculum development, individual teachers, individual students, school culture, leadership, building management, school performance, and social justice.  In studying these nine topics it was very helpful to document one idea concerning each one and then explaining how that chosen idea could benefit a school or school district. 
I was able to start creating a plan for my research by following an outline of things that needed to be done.  First I stated my objective as to what I would like to accomplish.  The following steps included documenting activities designed to achieve that objective, gathering resources for collecting data, developing a timeline, designating people responsible for helping my implement the plan, creating a process for monitoring the achievement of objectives, and then developing instruments for assessing and evaluating the progress of the research.  Concerning my project specifically in reflection, I do feel that athletics and EA’s (extra-curricular activities) can work toward preparing students for success in the classroom by building confidence and creating a positive attitude.  It helps students learn time management and prioritize.  I believe that parents who are supportive and realistic can help their child to achieve success and that some parents pay more attention to their children’s grades when they know that contributing to their chosen activity is on the line.  This of course brings in the “No Pass, No Play” ruling which states in general that a student that does not pass cannot participate in their activity until the proper grades are maintained.  This will play a big part in my research.  The evidence should show that students will work harder in the classroom to maintain eligibility in their respective activities.
Lastly on my reflection I have realized that there will be many challenges.  Such things as to how many focus groups I should have and the activity group to choose from.  I need to develop a firm timeline and contemplate on how to make sure the data is accurate.  I will need help from parents and administrators and will have to find the time in their schedule to take advantage of their consultation.  I will need to put much thought in what questions to put on a questionnaire to gather data that fully encompasses all the material. 
During this course I did my best to fulfill the blog requirements.  I had never been involved in a blog before so it did take a while to become acquainted with the requirements.  Trial and error is always a good way to learn.  Overall I believe this class will be beneficial to me as a future administrator.  I plan to use my research project as an opportunity to interview some present day athletic directors which will no doubt help me understand their perspective and start to become more aware of the many responsibilities of their profession.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Peer Suggestions and Revisions

Through my research to this point on my hypothesis that students involved in extra-curricular activities are motivated to make better grades in their academic classes I have been introduced to two other related revelations.  One is the idea that students involved in “competitive” activities outside the classroom are more likely to be “competitive” within the classroom concerning their grades.  Two, if the leader of an outside activity constantly maintains accurate and up to date records of grades in the classroom, does it assist students ability to keep current and be successful in the classroom?  In addressing the first idea it was revealed to me that a competitive sports culture exists in our society and due to this student athletes are more motivated to succeed academically.  There is a great deal of research that suggests that high school students who participate in athletics have a competitive personality which leads them toward being competitive with other students concerning their grades as well.  On another comment on my blog I was reminded as to how important grade checks administered by leaders of extra-curricular activities can be.  I am convinced now more than ever that the implementation of grade checks for athletes is very influential and beneficial to students.  The one described to me was a little different in that was not grade oriented but focused more on task completion.  Examples included, being on time to class, attitude, coach-ability, conduct, being up to date on assignments.  The students are rated in these categories and previous activity was not taken into consideration.  The athletes’ accountability was tested and therefore better grades were the result.  I truly believe that through effort and responsibility many things can be achieved and this is a great tool for addressing both of those.  

Action Planning Template

Action Planning Template
Goal: Through the process of the study my objective to prove that students involved in extra-curricular activities achieve and maintain higher grades in their academic subjects.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Activities will include interviews, testimonials, and random samplings from administrators, teachers, parents, and students.

Myself and a chosen representative from each group (administrator, teacher, parent, and student).  This representative will be chosen by me based on their availability and their interest in assisting me with the outcome of this study.
A standard school year will be the timeline for the study.
My study will include a designed questionnaire for the four groups and the creation of focus group of students to follow and document their progress throughout a school year.
These will include a study that will combine the results of the gathered data throughout my study to prove that my hypothesis is correct. 

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Steps in Action Research

Setting the Foundation:  Through a meeting with my site supervisor and lead counselor I will propose my study and my belief that students are motivated to make better grades when they are involved in extra-curricular activities.  During this meeting I will set out my time-line and work on forming a student list to be part of my focus group from various grades in the school.
Analyzing Data:  My data will include responses to interviews and questionnaires as well as shared information on my subject matter gathered from research from readings and searches on the internet.  A very important part of data will be the responses from the students involved in the focus group and the study of their grade reports throughout the school year as I follow their progress. 
Developing Deeper Understanding:  Using the data gathered through interviews I will discuss the results with various administrators I know as well as teachers and coaches to get their opinions and views of my study.  A big part of this will simply be their reaction as to whether they feel my results were surprising or in line with their preconceived perceptions on the subject. 
Engaging in Self Reflection:  When addressing my study through self reflection I feel that one of my motivations for doing this study relate to my disagreement with some school districts push to remove some electives such as the arts and physical education from school curriculum's.  Questions include: Why do students like or dislike school?  What do students look forward to when they are at school?  What classes do students feel engaged in the most?  In addition, another motivation for me is my curiosity in how the “No Pass, No Play” rule has affected student athletes toward making better grades.  Or has it more or less just motivated to pass as opposed to truly excelling in their courses? 
Exploring Programmatic Patterns:  When discussing this with my site supervisor ideas started to be formed as to what other questions might come through the possible results of my study.  If it is true that students are more engaged in their extra-curricular activities, how can we use this in other curriculum areas?  Regarding “No Pass, No play”, what if it the results point toward simply passing and not excelling in class?  Is this acceptable and just a product of an imperfect system?  And if so, what can be done toward improving this imperfect system? 
Determining Direction:  After meeting with my site supervisor I feel that I have a clear direction for my study.  I have developed clear questions regarding the objectives.  I have identified the particular groups and people to help me administer and gather data.  They are not only clear as to what I hope to prove but have added input that has assisted in my plan.  The time line is appropriate and the plan for implementing and monitoring is reasonable.  It is hard to tell at this point if my plan will be effective but it will become clearer as I go.  According to my evaluation I will make adjustments as needed. 
Taking Action for School Improvement:  A written plan of action will be developed using resources available. Both a formative and summative evaluation will be done. 
Sustain Improvement:  The process of my study will hopefully transfer to future studies during my internship to become an administrator.  Knowing how to use the resources and tools available to me and maybe see how they can be used toward studying potential issues in school districts will assist me in other areas during my personal professional development.  

Friday, December 3, 2010

Students in Sports are Motivated to Succeed in School

Statement:  Participating in athletics and / or extra-curricular activities motivates students to make better grades.
Question:  Does participating in athletics and / or extracurricular activities motivate students to make better grades. 
Statement: Students that are involved in athletics may perform better academically as long as they keep a balance and understanding of the commitment required for each. 
There is no question that attempting to balance academic requirements and participating in athletics can be difficult. 
Whether they play for a club team or for the school, it takes time, numerous practices, and takes their attention away from the primary purpose of going to school – learning and achieving a successful academic record to prepare for a successful future. 
Occasionally when a student has a hard time in school, one of the first things a parent does is pull their child from athletics.  These parents associate the poor academic performance with the extra time spend participating.  This might possibly be a fair connection to make in some cases.  They obviously know their child well and want what is best for them and their futures. 
Regardless, participating in athletics, when properly managed, can also be very beneficial to their lives.  Do to the NO PASS, NO PLAY rule, many students are motivated to make better grades to remain eligible to participate in their chosen sports.